June 19, 2009

The all New EZ Interface Tor.com Store


Tor.com is absolutely thrilled to announce the launch of the Tor.com Store, their new print book store. In keeping with Tor.com's publisher-agnostic attitude, the Tor.com Store offers science fiction and fantasy media from most major publishers-the only requirement is that the books in question relate to the genre in some form or another. In keeping with the spirit of their "...And Related Subjects" tagline, they've made sure to be as inclusive as possible, and are going to be constantly updating and refining the selection of titles available in the Store.

In order to make the Tor.com Store a curated space for SF/F books, they're taking advantage of our biggest asset: the voices of their bloggers. The Store's Special Picks section features lists of books made up by our community of authors, artists and bloggers-if you want a handy list of most of the books Jo Walton has blogged about on the site; if you want to know what books Ellen Datlow considers the most influential SF books (this week); or if you're curious as to what books Leigh Butler considers to be the " sweatpants of literature," this is the area of the store you want to check out first. they've got a nice handful of lists to start with, and they'll be adding more continually.

Read more about the how and why of it at their official announcement post.


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