July 18, 2009

Matrix - Twitter Social Media Matrix

Monster Ways to Monetize Social Media
SUBJECT: Social Media Marketing on 2 Sheets of Paper

These two sheets of paper could change your internet
marketing career forever.

Download the PDF's Now:

July 17, 2009

3 Big ways to Monetize Social Media

Umm .... Without Pizzing them off!


$97 FREE!

To Get Your Complimentary Special Report
Before This Page Comes Down,
Enter Simply Click Link Below:

Inside this normally $97 report you’ll discover...

Why 99% of “Seasoned Marketers” Fall Flat on Their ASS in Social Media even using every trick in their Little Black Books...
How the “NEW” breed of social marketers are earning $1 or more per follower per month doing the OPPOSITE of what most "old school" GURUS would tell you to do...
The “Sneaky Video Trick” that made one affiliate $22,000 for 3 minutes work -- 100% with social media…mainly Twitter…and more importantly how he could have really screwed it up...
The simple 1-2-3 method used to sell tons of hard products and take dollars out of the pockets of your competitors in the process…
Finally, the big kahuna...the tactic that won me Frank Kern’s 1965 Lincoln Continental... :o)

Plus my big bonus: How other marketers I promote through Twitter, Facebook and YouTube secretly hand me over $43,873.71 every single month in passive revenue without ever knowing about it.

I'm not kidding when I say that this report could easily be sold for $97.

Just enter your email address and click the "Free Instant Access" button to download your own copy and see it for yourself:"Free Instant Access" button to download your own copy and see it for yourself:

$94,526 a Month on Twitter?


Two famous internet marketers: Perry Belcher
and Ryan Deiss have finally opened Twitter?s
cash vault.

They cash in on Facebook & YouTube too?

They just released 2 FREE Cheat Sheets that
Come with FREE 15 Training Videos that you
need to get before it's too late.

Click here to download the "Matrix" map (PDF)

Click here to download the "Party Principle" map (PDF)

It's Called the "Social Media Matrix"

Get yours NOW! Here is the link:

There's MAJOR Proof!

Using their newly discovered tactics Perry &
Ryan have sprung to the top of the leader
boards for every major launch this year?

They even won Frank Kerns 1965 Lincoln for
winning Frank's MassControl 2.0 contest.

Everybody was fighting for this sweet ride but
the won it using Twitter!

They reveal EXACTLY how they did it at the link


Perry and Ryan have emerged as the true pioneers
of social media marketing building an army of over
130,000 followers in just 9 months

Go get their free stuff. It rocks

Click here to watch the "Social Media Matrix" training video

Click here to watch the "Social Media Party Principle" training video

Click Here To Download "How To Monetize Social Media" Special Report

Max Rowby

P.S. Perry hand drew the cheat sheets. Can you tell
he used to be a Tattoo Artist (little known fact)

Download the PDF's Now:

July 15, 2009

The World Full Of Strangers -

I recorded this a couple of years ago Alan. Didn't quite create what I wanted
But Here it is..

July 14, 2009

20-Foot-Long Basking Shark Washes Ashore on New York Beach

BABYLON, N.Y. — A 20-foot-long basking shark washed ashore on a Long Island beach.

Tracy Marcus of Cornell Cooperative Extension says the shark was likely dying from some kind of illness. There are no propeller wounds that might have come from a boat, nor were there any puncture wounds on the animal, which was barely breathing as it rolled shore.

The basking shark, which are a common sight in the waters off Long Island, washed ashore on a town beach a few miles east of Jones Beach. Basking sharks are not considered dangerous. They eat plankton.

Marcus estimates the shark weighs about a ton. She says it is unusual for an ailing basking shark to come ashore. Usually they die in the ocean.

7 Colours That Can Reflect Your Mood

by Guest Author Self Improvement

I have a friend, who shall be nameless for obvious reasons as I love her dearly. This friends favourite colour is red. Her car is red, flowers in her garden are red, she wears red, her lipstick is red. Need I say more – everything is red. She is a go-getter and the speed with which she embraces life is past the speed limit. So recently I was very interested to read on how wearing certain colours can reflect our mood.

We do react to colour, and scientists have ascertained that each colour transmits a unique message to the brain which impacts our moods in different ways. Consider the list of colours below and consider how your own clothes and decor can enhance particular moods.


Red is a stimulating and energizing colour. It also enhances self-assurance; what woman in a fiery red dress doesn’t exude confidence. Red will produce an illusion of fantasy. It can promote opposition in others ( you have been warned) If you want to be attention-getting, feel powerful and dominate – wear red. The colour also symbolizes love. It is a hot and passionate color. Red is said to increase the appetite, so you may want to keep it out of the dining room unless you’re having a dinner party. In the bedroom, red light helps sexual activity, and could lead to active nights.


To wear yellow will rejuvenate and balance the mind. It wipes out the feeling of heaviness and oppression. Yellow is a sunny and reflective and is a pensive colour. It will lift ones mood to be positive and optimistic.


This is also the colour of love. It is perhaps a little less serious and a little more fun. Wear it to lift your love life. Orange is a very high energy colour imparting boldness and distinction. Is about being different. Like red and yellow, orange is stimulating. It is an antidepressant and also stimulates the mind. Anyone with a desire to sharpen and add focus and purpose to their life can do with a little orange. ( It is potent, do not add too much)


Green is relaxing and tranquil to the eyes. It reduces stress and brings a feeling of tranquility. It presents natural healing and balance. Wear it to inspire harmony in others and restore your energy. It is the second most popular color. Green is symbolic of faithfulness and unity and hope. It is quick to help others even at their own expense. It represents dependability and tactfulness.


The colour pink is trendy. Its a girly color and is a symbol of innocence and beauty. Pink has a soothing effect. It also speaks of pure love. It is a romantic color, while red is hot and passionate. It also is bright, vibrant, a strong and healthy color.


Blue relaxes muscles, lowers blood pressure and was found to have a calming effect on hyperactive children. Blue causes a slight psychological change which results in people feeling less hungry. I don’t think you could call it a weight loss program though. Blue is also regarded to be effective for increasing wisdom energy. It is the color of peace, tranquility and is excellent in increasing spiritual meditation and healing.


Purple balances the mind, brings serenity and combats fear. It’s connected with psychic powers and helps wake up that aspect. Its also the colour that speaks of royalty. Purple stands out in a crowd.

In conclusion; consider the colours you are wearing – maybe you can create the mood you want to reflect. The chose is yours!

Lynn Zingel is the author and editor of http://www.icando.co.nz. Here you will find words of http://www.icando.co.nz/ encouragement, inspiration, and challenge to change/ whatever you focus your mind upon

Sites to get Great Twitter Backgrounds

Posted by JackSimz |
Sites for finding beautiful Backgrounds

Currently, Twitter.com's original background sections have limited selections. Consider the millions number of Twitter users over the world there are using the same background image; this makes you nothing different from the rest. When you have a custom background design, it will not only make you stand out from the crowd but also provide an excellent marketing or promotion opportunity.

Free Twitter Backgrounds - Brand your Twitter Profile for Free.

Click on any image to download free backgrounds or patterns for Twitter.

Design Your Own Twitter Background by select a theme you like.

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Browse free Twitter backgrounds,other resources, your own custom Twitter background.

Create a FREE Twitter Background with PrettyTweet's Visual Designer.

Free Custom Twitter Backgrounds with promote your services added.

Certain websites offer PSD files of Twitter backgrounds, Twitter background generator and free background templates so that you can download them to make your own branded Twitter background using image editor such as Photoshop. If you’re a good designer, you can also submit your Twitter background there. All websites mentioned here offer cool and beautiful Twitter background designs that you can use for your Twitter profile. Most of them are FREE!

July 13, 2009

10 Benefits of Getting Up Early, and Help In Doing It


“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” - Ben Franklin, famously

“Put no trust in the benefits to accrue from early rising, as set forth by the infatuated Franklin …” - Mark Twain

Firstly, let me say that if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that’s great. There’s no reason to change, especially if you’re happy with it. But for me, switching from being a night owl to an early riser (and yes, it is possible) has been a godsend. It has helped me in so many ways that I’d never go back. Here are just a few:

  1. Greet the day. I love being able to get up, and greet a wonderful new day. I suggest creating a morning ritual that includes saying thanks for your blessings. I’m inspired by the Dalai Lama, who said, ” Everyday, think as you wake up, ‘today I am fortunate to have woken up, I am alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others, to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings, I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others, I am going to benefit others as much as I can.’ “
  2. Amazing start. I used to start my day by jumping out of bed, late as usual, and rushing to get myself and the kids ready, and rushing to drop them to school and come in to work late. I would walk into work, looking rumpled and barely awake, grumpy and behind everyone else. Not a great start to your day. Now, I have a renewing morning ritual, I’ve gotten so much done before 8 a.m., my kids are early and so am I, and by the time everyone else gets in to work, I’ve already gotten a head start. There is no better way to start off your day than to wake early, in my experience.
  3. Quietude. No kids yelling, no babies crying, no soccer balls, no cars, no television noise. The early morning hours are so peaceful, so quiet. It’s my favorite time of day. I truly enjoy that time of peace, that time to myself, when I can think, when I can read, when I can breathe.
  4. Sunrise. People who wake late miss one of the greatest feats of nature, repeated in full stereovision each and every day — the rise of the sun. I love how the day slowly gets brighter, when the midnight blue turns to lighter blue, when the brilliant colors start to seep into the sky, when nature is painted in incredible colors. I like doing my early morning run during this time, and I look up at the sky as I run and say to the world, “What a glorious day!” Really. I really do that. Corny, I know.
  5. Breakfast. Rise early and you actually have time for breakfast. I’m told it’s one of the most important meals of the day. Without breakfast, your body is running on fumes until you are so hungry at lunchtime that you eat whatever unhealthy thing you can find. The fattier and sugarier, the betterier. But eat breakfast, and you are sated until later. Plus, eating breakfast while reading my book and drinking my coffee in the quiet of the morning is eminently more enjoyable than scarfing something down on the way to work, or at your desk.
  6. Exercise. There are other times to exercise besides the early morning, of course, but I’ve found that while exercising right after work is also very enjoyable, it’s also liable to be canceled because of other things that come up. Morning exercise is virtually never canceled.
  7. Productivity. Mornings, for me at least, are the most productive time of day. I like to do some writing in the morning, when there are no distractions, before I check my email or blog stats. I get so much more done by starting on my work in the morning. Then, when evening rolls around, I have no work that I need to do, and I can spend it with family.
  8. Goal time. Got goals? Well, you should. And there’s no better time to review them and plan for them and do your goal tasks than first thing. You should have one goal that you want to accomplish this week. And every morning, you should decide what one thing you can do today to move yourself further towards that goal. And then, if possible, do that first thing in the morning.
  9. Commute. No one likes rush-hour traffic, except for Big Oil. Commute early, and the traffic is much lighter, and you get to work faster, and thus save yourself more time. Or better yet, commute by bike. (Or even better yet, work from home.)
  10. Appointments. It’s much easier to make those early appointments on time if you get up early. Showing up late for those appointments is a bad signal to the person you’re meeting. Showing up early will impress them. Plus, you get time to prepare.

How to Become an Early Riser

  • Don’t make drastic changes. Start slowly, by waking just 15-30 minutes earlier than usual. Get used to this for a few days. Then cut back another 15 minutes. Do this gradually until you get to your goal time.
  • Allow yourself to sleep earlier. You might be used to staying up late, perhaps watching TV or surfing the Internet. But if you continue this habit, while trying to get up earlier, sooner or later one is going to give. And if it is the early rising that gives, then you will crash and sleep late and have to start over. I suggest going to bed earlier, even if you don’t think you’ll sleep, and read while in bed. If you’re really tired, you just might fall asleep much sooner than you think.
  • Put your alarm clock far from you bed. If it’s right next to your bed, you’ll shut it off or hit snooze. Never hit snooze. If it’s far from your bed, you have to get up out of bed to shut it off. By then, you’re up. Now you just have to stay up.
  • Go out of the bedroom as soon as you shut off the alarm. Don’t allow yourself to rationalize going back to bed. Just force yourself to go out of the room. My habit is to stumble into the bathroom and go pee. By the time I’ve done that, and flushed the toilet and washed my hands and looked at my ugly mug in the mirror, I’m awake enough to face the day.
  • Do not rationalize. If you allow your brain to talk you out of getting up early, you’ll never do it. Don’t make getting back in bed an option.
  • Have a good reason. Set something to do early in the morning that’s important. This reason will motivate you to get up. I like to write in the morning, so that’s my reason. Also, when I’m done with that, I like to read all of your comments!
  • Make waking up early a reward. Yes, it might seem at first that you’re forcing yourself to do something hard, but if you make it pleasurable, soon you will look forward to waking up early. A good reward is to make a hot cup of coffee or tea and read a book. Other rewards might be a tasty treat for breakfast (smoothies! yum!) or watching the sunrise, or meditating. Find something that’s pleasurable for you, and allow yourself to do it as part of your morning routine.
  • Take advantage of all that extra time. Don’t wake up an hour or two early just to read your blogs, unless that’s a major goal of yours. Don’t wake up early and waste that extra time. Get a jump start on your day! I like to use that time to get a head start on preparing my kids’ lunches, on planning for the rest of the day (when I set my MITs), on exercising or meditating, and on reading. By the time 6:30 rolls around, I’ve done more than many people do the entire day
