FamilyFun Publisher: Disney Publishing List Price: Buy New: $9.95 You Save: $29.55 (75%) Rating: Sales Rank: 29 Category: Magazine ASIN: B000WTP6DK Shipping: Eligible for Super Saver Shipping Availability: Usually ships in 1 to 3 months |
Editorial Reviews:
Product Description
What does family fun mean to you? Crafts? Recipes? Party ideas? Travel tips? FamilyFun magazine dishes up these and more boredom-defying activities in over 180 splashy, colorful pages. Geared toward parents with young children, this energetic magazine promises to enrich the lives of families. Offering a "we've been there, we know" sort of comfort to parents, folksy first-person articles let parents know they're not alone. A sense of community is expanded further in the "My Great Idea" section--culled from readers' letters--that suggests kid-tested ideas for everything from summer games to rainy-day projects. Homeschoolers will find plenty to ponder as well--a winter issue, for example, describes how a snowflake takes shape, then suggests a paper snowflake-making project. Reviews of digital games, books, videos, and DVDs, written by industry experts, help parents feel up to the minute. FamilyFun is positively inspirational to parents who want to shake up the routine and keep the magic in a family
NJ Girl
19 out of 21 found this review helpful
I first saw this magazine in doctors' offices and browsed through it. I loved it and I don't even have kids! I have given subscriptions as gifts to friends who do, though, and they love it. It has great - and simple - ideas for activities, recipes, advice, you name it. Give it a try, I think you'll agree.
S. Reagan (Maryland)
10 out of 10 found this review helpful
As a stay at home mom and the leader for my daughter's Brownie troop, this magazine is worth every cent. Tons of games and craft ideas that are super cheap and lots of fun. There isn't an article or idea that I skip. I have had a hard time with finding magazines that fit in my lifestyle lately. As much as I love some gossip and beauty ideas like every woman, my life is more geared towards raising my kids and having fun with them. I have found this magazine is great for all family life and it is something I can safely leave on the living room table. My 7yr old daughter flips thru for recipes and craft ideas too! The only other magazine that I love as much as this is All You. Highly recommend both for stay at home moms.
Sunny (Granbury, Texas USA)
4 out of 4 found this review helpful
This magazine will help you do activities for holidays, school breaks, and the summer holidays. Our family always gets ideas for gifts to make for family and friends. Often we use the ideas in this magazine (games, recipes, crafts) to erase the word boredom from our vocabulary. We save every issue and have subscribed for over five years! We just renewed our subscription for another three years! We love it and would recommend this magazine to any parent who wants to do more with their children!
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