Doesn't everybody want to be happy? Why wouldn't you? It's our God given right to enjoy life and be happy. It is harder than it sounds some days. Especially if you are going through a particularly difficult time, like divorce. Most of us wait for something to happen to make us happy. Well guess what? You have more control over that than you may have thought.
Our feelings are guided by our thoughts. This has been written about in religous texts, psychology books and popular books. Pay attention the next time you feel really good or really bad. You will notice that you are doing a little self talk, in your head. If you are feeling depressed, you may be thinking things like "I'm a failure" or "I'll always be alone." This is refered to as faulty thinking. They are exaggerations of what is really going on. If you notice these thoughts, you can challenge them and tell yourself that just because this marriage did not work out, it does not mean you are a failure. Or even though you may feel lonely, chances are you will not be alone for the rest of your life. Challenging those thoughts are the first steps to feeling better. Although you should always take time to process your feelings and allow yourself to grieve, there are times that you catch yourself dwelling on the negative or doing some faulty thinking. Staying in that place of depression and hopelessness is not helpful. Other than changing your thoughts, there are many other things you can do to feel better. A good place to start is the book The Secret.
Whether you buy the whole idea of Law of Attraction or not, this book can get you started on feeling good and being happy. It makes sense that if you feel good, you will be more motivated, attract other positive people and just be more open to fun and happiness. That makes sense either way. There are many books on the topics of being happy and positive. Just Google the topic and see what comes up. You can also go to Amazon or Barns and Noble and search for topics like Law of Attraction, Positive Thinking, even Happy! You would be surprised what comes up. Other than reading, watch something uplifting or funny on the television or at the movies. It has even been suggested by some that we stop watching the news! While that may concern you, you can get the headlines and top stories in a few minutes of a morning news show or when you check your email at Comcast or AOL. That way you can find out if the sky is falling or if you will live another day! There is really no value in watching or reading constantly about how bad things are in the world or about children that have been killed or hurt. It's not hiding your head in the sand to choose to only put positive things in your head. Changing your mood or getting happy can be as easy as talking to a funny friend or looking at a funny picture or video.
The nice thing is that you have more control over your mood than you may have thought. Practice some of these ideas and come up with a few of your own. It is always nice to have a few things that always make you laugh. Check out the video and see if you can keep from laughing. Have a great day!
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