It’s like this. What if someone called you up on the phone and said: Hey you know what we’ve got a television channel here. that’s all up and running and everything… but we don’t have any programs on it… But if you want to come down here and just fill up all of our air time with any show that you want to put on, would you be interested?
And I think almost everybody would say well my gosh… I… I don’t know how to do television shows but just…Umm… You’re telling me you’re going to give me a television channel, a broadcast medium I can put stuff on… You’d go bonkers, if you found out that was the case wouldn’t you? Well that is what happened when twitter opened up. They basically handed to you your own television channel. It’s not exactly just a television channel though, it’s also got a bit of talk radio to it and it’s also, because of its social nature, a bit of a cocktail party. So that’s what twitter is, a unique blend of these three things. Of course I’m using analogues here and they’ll make more sense as you use twitter.
So in a nutshell, what twitter is, is a simple tool that allows you to publish content in a manner which can be broadcast like TV, can be interactive like a radio talk show and can be highly social – which allows you to network, such as you would do in any social gathering, be it a golf outing, cocktail party or a meeting at your local PTA or church. It is all of those things together and when you realize that’s what you’ve got and it’s sitting there on your computer running twenty-four hours, seven days a week – then all of a sudden you go wow!!! What could I do with a talk show and a networking engine and a television channel if I really had it at my finger tips. That’s what Twitter is.

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