December 23, 2009

Babies - Movie Trailer


Everybody loves… BABIES. This visually stunning new movie simultaneously follows four babies around the world - from first breath to first steps. From Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo, BABIES joyfully captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal to us all.

From: Apple Movie Photo Gallery




December 18, 2009

Must see movie - "Collapse"

Worth watching, you must decide for yourself...

The Tale of the fisherman and the Tourist

The Tale of the fisherman and the Tourist
A tourist looks on a most idyllic picture: a fisherman dozing in the sun in his rowing boat that he has pulled out of the waves which come rolling up the sandy beach. The tourist's camera clicks and the fisherman wakes. The tourist asks: “The weather is great and there's plenty of fish, so why are you lying around instead of going out and catching more?”
The fisherman replies: “Because I caught enough this morning.”
“But just imagine,” the tourist says, “you could go out there three or four times a day and bring home three or four times as much fish! And then you know what could happen?” The fisherman shakes his head. “After a year you could buy yourself a motorboat,” says the tourist. “After two years you could buy a second one, and after three years you could have a cutter or two. And just think! One day you might be able to build a freezing plant or a smoke house. You might eventually even get your own helicopter for tracing shoals of fish and guiding your fleet of cutters, or you could buy your own trucks to ship your fish to the capital, and then . . .”
“And then?” asks the fisherman.
“And then”, the tourist continues triumphantly, “you'd could spend time sitting at the beachside, dozing in the sun and looking at the beautiful ocean!” The fisherman looks at the tourist: “But that is exactly what I was doing before you came along!”

December 9, 2009

Huge AIDS Breakthrough From UCLA Announced

Huge AIDS Breakthrough From UCLA Announced (Application, Though, Still Likely Far Off)

UCLA AIDS Institute.
​UCLA researchers this week published data that for the first time shows human blood stem cells can be engineered to attack HIV-infected cells and that the process could not only prove to be a breakthrough for AIDS patients but also for the sufferers of other viral diseases.

The UCLA AIDS Institute study was published this week in the online journal Plos ONE. The research proves the feasibility "that human stem cells can be engineered into the equivalent of a genetic vaccine," according to an institute statement.

"We have demonstrated in this proof-of-principle study that this type of approach can be used to engineer the human immune system, particularly the T-cell response, to specifically target HIV-infected cells," states lead investigator Scott G. Kitchen, assistant professor of medicine in the division of hematology and oncology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and a member of the UCLA AIDS Institute. "These studies lay the foundation for further therapeutic development that involves restoring damaged or defective immune responses toward a variety of viruses that cause chronic disease, or even different types of tumors."

The researched used human cells and tissue, but the next step is to find out if the process would actually work within the human body.

December 8, 2009

This will make you giggle - I expect :0)

Jane Voodoo Magic Money Lady

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Wednesday 8 Oct 2008 12.19pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Overdue account

Dear David,
Our records indicate that your account is overdue by the amount of $233.95. If you have already made this payment please contact us within the next 7 days to confirm payment has been applied to your account and is no longer outstanding.

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Wednesday 8 Oct 2008 12.37pm
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Overdue account

Dear Jane,
I do not have any money so am sending you this drawing I did of a spider instead.
I value the drawing at $233.95 so trust that this settles the matter.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 10.07am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Overdue account

Dear David,
Thankyou for contacting us. Unfortunately we are unable to accept drawings as payment and your account remains in arrears of $233.95. Please contact us within the next 7 days to confirm payment has been applied to your account and is no longer outstanding.

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 10.32am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Overdue account

Dear Jane,
Can I have my drawing of a spider back then please.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 11.42am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Overdue account

Dear David,
You emailed the drawing to me. Do you want me to email it back to you?

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 11.56am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Overdue account

Dear Jane,

Yes please.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Thursday 9 Oct 2008 12.14pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Overdue account


From: David Thorne
Date: Friday 10 Oct 2008 09.22am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Whose spider is that?

Dear Jane,
Are you sure this drawing of a spider is the one I sent you? This spider only has seven legs and I do not feel I would have made such an elementary mistake when I drew it.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Friday 10 Oct 2008 11.03am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Whose spider is that?

Dear David,
Yes it is the same drawing. I copied and pasted it from the email you sent me on the 8th.
David your account is still overdue by the amount of $233.95.
Please make this payment as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Friday 10 Oct 2008 11.05am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Automated Out of Office Response

Thankyou for contacting me.
I am currently away on leave, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Regards, David.

From: David Thorne
Date: Friday 10 Oct 2008 11.08am
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Re: Whose spider is that?

Hello, I am back and have read through your emails and accept that despite missing a leg, that drawing of a spider may indeed be the one I sent you. I realise with hindsight that it is possible you rejected the drawing of a spider due to this obvious limb ommission but did not point it out in an effort to avoid hurting my feelings. As such, I am sending you a revised drawing with the correct number of legs as full payment for any amount outstanding. I trust this will bring the matter to a conclusion.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Monday 13 Oct 2008 2.51pm
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Whose spider is that?

Dear David,
As I have stated, we do not accept drawings in lei of money for accounts outstanding.
We accept cheque, bank cheque, money order or cash. Please make a payment this week to avoid incurring any additional fees.

Yours sincerely, Jane Gilles

From: David Thorne
Date: Monday 13 Oct 2008 3.17pm
To: Jane Gilles
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whose spider is that?

I understand and will definitely make a payment this week if I remember. As you have not accepted my second drawing as payment, please return the drawing to me as soon as possible. It was silly of me to assume I could provide you with something of completely no value whatsoever, waste your time and then attach such a large amount to it.

Regards, David.

From: Jane Gilles
Date: Tuesday 14 Oct 2008 11.18am
To: David Thorne
Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Whose spider is that?


December 2, 2009

Canada is now to climate what Japan is to whaling

Canada's image lies in tatters. It is now to climate what Japan is to whaling

The tar barons have held the nation to ransom. This thuggish petro-state is today the greatest obstacle to a deal in Copenhagen

Blog Carbon emissions: Tar sands mining, Syncrude Oil Sands Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada

Syncrude Oil Sands, Mine and Refinery, the world's largest oil sand operation producing crude oil at Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada, October 20, 2001. Photograph: Greg Smith/Corbis

When you think of Canada, which qualities come to mind? The world's peacekeeper, the friendly nation, a liberal counterweight to the harsher pieties of its southern neighbour, decent, civilised, fair, well-governed? Think again. This country's government is now behaving with all the sophistication of a chimpanzee's tea party. So amazingly destructive has Canada become, and so insistent have my Canadian friends been that I weigh into this fight, that I've broken my self-imposed ban on flying and come to Toronto.

So here I am, watching the astonishing spectacle of a beautiful, cultured nation turning itself into a corrupt petro-state. Canada is slipping down the development ladder, retreating from a complex, diverse economy towards dependence on a single primary resource, which happens to be the dirtiest commodity known to man. The price of this transition is the brutalisation of the country, and a government campaign against multilateralism as savage as any waged by George Bush.

Until now I believed that the nation that has done most to sabotage a new climate change agreement was the United States. I was wrong. The real villain is Canada. Unless we can stop it, the harm done by Canada in December 2009 will outweigh a century of good works.

In 2006 the new Canadian government announced it was abandoning its targets to cut greenhouse gases under the Kyoto protocol. No other country that had ratified the treaty has done this. Canada was meant to have cut emissions by 6% between 1990 and 2012. Instead they have already risen by 26%.

It is now clear that Canada will refuse to be sanctioned for abandoning its legal obligations. The Kyoto protocol can be enforced only through goodwill: countries must agree to accept punitive future obligations if they miss their current targets. But the future cut Canada has volunteered is smaller than that of any other rich nation. Never mind special measures; it won't accept even an equal share. The Canadian government is testing the international process to destruction and finding that it breaks all too easily. By demonstrating that climate sanctions aren't worth the paper they're written on, it threatens to render any treaty struck at Copenhagen void.

After giving the finger to Kyoto, Canada then set out to prevent the other nations striking a successor agreement. At the end of 2007, it singlehandedly blocked a Commonwealth resolution to support binding targets for industrialised nations. After the climate talks in Poland in December 2008, it won the Fossil of the Year award, presented by environmental groups to the country that had done most to disrupt the talks. The climate change performance index, which assesses the efforts of the world's 60 richest nations, was published in the same month. Saudi Arabia came 60th. Canada came 59th.

In June this year the media obtained Canadian briefing documents which showed the government was scheming to divide the Europeans. During the meeting in Bangkok in October, almost the entire developing world bloc walked out when the Canadian delegate was speaking, as they were so revolted by his bullying. Last week the Commonwealth heads of government battled for hours (and eventually won) against Canada's obstructions. A concerted campaign has now begun to expel Canada from the Commonwealth.

In Copenhagen next week, this country will do everything in its power to wreck the talks. The rest of the world must do everything in its power to stop it. But such is the fragile nature of climate agreements that one rich nation – especially a member of the G8, the Commonwealth and the Kyoto group of industrialised countries – could scupper the treaty. Canada now threatens the wellbeing of the world.

Why? There's a simple answer: Canada is developing the world's second largest reserve of oil. Did I say oil? It's actually a filthy mixture of bitumen, sand, heavy metals and toxic organic chemicals. The tar sands, most of which occur in Alberta, are being extracted by the biggest opencast mining operation on earth. An area the size of England, comprising pristine forests and marshes, will be be dug up – unless the Canadians can stop this madness. Already it looks like a scene from the end of the world: the strip-miners are creating a churned black hell on an unimaginable scale.

To extract oil from this mess, it needs to be heated and washed. Three barrels of water are used to process one barrel of oil. The contaminated water is held in vast tailings ponds, some so toxic that the tar companies employ people to scoop dead birds off the surface. Most are unlined. They leak organic poisons, arsenic and mercury into the rivers. The First Nations people living downstream have developed a range of exotic cancers and auto-immune diseases.

Refining tar sands requires two to three times as much energy as refining crude oil. The companies exploiting them burn enough natural gas to heat six million homes. Alberta's tar sands operation is the world's biggest single industrial source of carbon emissions. By 2020, if the current growth continues, it will produce more greenhouse gases than Ireland or Denmark. Already, thanks in part to the tar mining, Canadians have almost the highest per capita emissions on earth, and the stripping of Alberta has scarcely begun.

Canada hasn't acted alone. The biggest leaseholder in the tar sands is Shell, a company that has spent millions persuading the public that it respects the environment. The other great greenwasher, BP, initially decided to stay out of tar. Now it has invested in plants built to process it. The British bank RBS, 70% of which belongs to you and me (the government's share will soon rise to 84%), has lent or underwritten £8bn for mining the tar sands.

The purpose of Canada's assault on the international talks is to protect this industry. This is not a poor nation. It does not depend for its economic survival on exploiting this resource. But the tar barons of Alberta have been able to hold the whole country to ransom. They have captured Canada's politics and are turning this lovely country into a cruel and thuggish place.

Canada is a cultured, peaceful nation, which every so often allows a band of Neanderthals to trample over it. Timber firms were licensed to log the old-growth forest in Clayaquot Sound; fishing companies were permitted to destroy the Grand Banks: in both cases these get-rich-quick schemes impoverished Canada and its reputation. But this is much worse, as it affects the whole world. The government's scheming at the climate talks is doing for its national image what whaling has done for Japan.

I will not pretend that this country is the only obstacle to an agreement at Copenhagen. But it is the major one. It feels odd to be writing this. The immediate threat to the global effort to sustain a peaceful and stable world comes not from Saudi Arabia or Iran or China. It comes from Canada. How could that be true?

November 21, 2009

15 Things Worth Knowing About Coffee

November 20, 2009

This is the Glee Cast singing "I'll Stand By You"

This is the Glee Cast singing "I'll Stand By You"

November 4, 2009

Tati the Golden Girl & LumberJack

Took these photos yesterday at 6 in the
evening as the light was fading...
Mega Hugs to you Eve from Me &

October 24, 2009

Music to get Pumped To: Animal Collective - Leaf House

Leaf House by Animal House
Leaf House: A music video about a lonely house and its furious inhabitants. Fire, dirt, water, snow, sugar, love, hate, and a whole lot of magic went into this!!!

October 15, 2009

First black hole for light created on Earth

An electromagnetic "black holeMovie Camera" that sucks in surrounding light has been built for the first time.

The device, which works at microwave frequencies, may soon be extended to trap visible light, leading to an entirely new way of harvesting solar energy to generate electricity.

A theoretical design for a table-top black hole to trap light was proposed in a paper published earlier this year by Evgenii Narimanov and Alexander Kildishev of Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana. Their idea was to mimic the properties of a cosmological black hole, whose intense gravity bends the surrounding space-time, causing any nearby matter or radiation to follow the warped space-time and spiral inwards.

Narimanov and Kildishev reasoned that it should be possible to build a device that makes light curve inwards towards its centre in a similar way. They calculated that this could be done by a cylindrical structure consisting of a central core surrounded by a shell of concentric rings.

There's no escape

The key to making light curve inwards is to make the shell's permittivity – which affects the electric component of an electromagnetic wave – increase smoothly from the outer to the inner surface. This is analogous to the curvature of space-time near a black hole. At the point where the shell meets the core, the permittivity of the ring must match that of the core, so that light is absorbed rather than reflected.

Now Tie Jun Cui and Qiang Cheng at the Southeast University in Nanjing, China, have turned Narimanov and Kildishev's theory into practice, and built a "black hole" for microwave frequencies. It is made of 60 annular strips of so-called "meta-materials", which have previously been used to make invisibility cloaks.

Each strip takes the form of a circuit board etched with intricate structures whose characteristics change progressively from one strip to the next, so that the permittivity varies smoothly. The outer 40 strips make up the shell and the inner 20 strips make up the absorber.

"When the incident electromagnetic wave hits the device, the wave will be trapped and guided in the shell region towards the core of the black hole, and will then be absorbed by the core," says Cui. "The wave will not come out from the black hole." In their device, the core converts the absorbed light into heat.

Quick work

Narimanov is impressed by Cui and Cheng's implementation of his design. "I am surprised that they have done it so quickly," he says.

Fabricating a device that captures optical wavelengths in the same way will not be easy, as visible light has a wavelength orders of magnitude smaller than that of microwave radiation. This will require the etched structures to be correspondingly smaller.

Cui is confident that they can do it. "I expect that our demonstration of the optical black hole will be available by the end of 2009," he says.

Such a device could be used to harvest solar energy in places where the light is too diffuse for mirrors to concentrate it onto a solar cell. An optical black hole would suck it all in and direct it at a solar cell sitting at the core. "If that works, you will no longer require these huge parabolic mirrors to collect light," says Narimanov.

Journal references: Applied Physics Letters (vol 95, p041106), and "An electromagnetic black hole made of metamaterials" by Tie Jun Cui and Qiang Cheng's (preprint archive)

If you would like to reuse any content from New Scientist, either in print or online, please contact the syndication department first for permission. New Scientist does not own rights to photos, but there are a variety of licensing options available for use of articles and graphics we own the copyright to

October 11, 2009

Max Rowby Sings Cappella - No One There.

Recorded this with a $5 microphone, a looped choras in a single key and a lot of patience, not as easy as you might think.. :0)

If anyone would like to use it they are more than welcome. Only condition being I'd love to hear the result. Cheers! Max

September 30, 2009

List of 250+ sites where you can create free blogs

Here is a list of 250+ sites where you can create your free blogs

September 28, 2009

time versus money versus energy..

Time vs. Money vs.

Previewed from Aaron Danker's blog

It's a dilema.. time versus money versus energy..

The more you attempt to save and do things yourself, the more of your own energy and time your using. Likewise, the more you invest or outsource, the less time and energy of your own you need.

Which is most important to you in whatever you're doing, it could be in business life, or in your personal life?

The more you attempt to do things for yourself and entirely by yourself, the more days will pass you by along with you feeling drained and burnt out. You won't be turning a profit yet because you're too busy working.

When you get others to work for you, your time becomes more productive, you get more done and your energy levels will be high. The only time spent will be the time managing and checking on other's work. You still won't be turning a profit yet, in fact you're already in the minus, but you're already in a better position for launch i.e. promoting your product.

If you're still going solo, the launching phase of your product will come much later and when that time does come around, you're already fustrated and tired and most likely would want to take a long break before hacking away at it again...

Allow me to present the time - money - energy diagram...

The questions you should be asking yourself when you attempt any online / offline venture are;

How much is my time worth? - If you make $10 an hour, then a job that can be outsourced for $5 an hour is worth your time. Therefore it is worth going ahead. Alternatively if the outsourced work is worth $20 an hour but requires a specialized skill, then you have to consider the time required if you were to attempt it yourself. Even then, will it be up to the standard that you want it to be? Why try something that you can only get a B grade at best on when someone else can do it for you at A+ grade in less time?

How certain am I that I can make my investment back? - Outsourcing work or paying for a tool or software that will speed up the process, or just make things easier should never considered a risk. If you know your market well enough and know what sells and what they're after all you need is the finished product. If you're working blindly then you're guessing.

Having a mailing list in the internet marketing niche for example means you've already got potential customers at the ready. If you had a product for them that will solve one of many of their problems, how much do you think you could make? Also consider how many times you will be able to sell the product? Is it going to be a one-off or continuous with the aid of an autoresponder?

When you have this figured out you can then judge the worth of your investments.

How much energy will it save me? - You alone can only do so much. I'm willing to wager my car and house that the richest people on earth did not get to where they are now by doing everything by themselves. They all shared the same trait - to leverage off the work of others.
How long do you think you can go it alone before you tire yourself out, lose self-esteem or call it quits? When you stand back and have a look, you realize that there's still a long way to go..

When you have all the daunting tasks taken care of by others, you're in a better position to progress. You're ready to start spending valuable time promoting and networking with people because that's where it matter's most! Why do you think so many marketers spend so much time (and money) building their lists?

Thanks for taking the time to read this post!

September 25, 2009

How to Become a Link Building Ninja

Thanks given to:

You’re about to begin your journey to becoming a link building ninja.

Oh? You don’t know what a link building ninja is…

Hmmm. Let me grab my dictionary.

Here we are… A link building ninja is one who is skilled in the art of highly advanced link building; one who can find link building opportunities untapped by other marketers; a person trained to reverse engineer the link building strategies of others and destroys their Google rankings with ninja stealth. They rarely discover how their competitors stole all of their precious rankings.

So with that, let’s dig in…

1.Here’s One Link Building Tactic That Nobody Talks About…

As you probably know, syndicating your RSS feed to all the different RSS directories and aggregators can be a great way to get one-way backlinks.

Plus, they’re one of the best ways to get indexed fast in Google.

In this article, I’m going to show you how to put your RSS feed on steroids and grab 10 times as many backlinks.

The secret is in creating custom RSS feeds.

The idea is to create multiple, custom RSS feeds and submit those to several RSS feed aggregator sites. This spreads your links all over the Internet.

Talk about some link juice!

You can do this using a service called RSSMix.

Watch this step-by-step video tutorial to find out how to create your own customized RSS feeds.

This site allows you mix any number of RSS feeds into one new feed, which opens up lots of new link building opportunities. You can create your own customized RSS feeds from your articles, videos, podcasts, Squidoo lenses, Hubpages, and more. In fact, even EzineArticles has an RSS feed for each user.

Any of the content you have on the Internet can be put into your own customized RSS feeds. These can the be submitted to the top RSS directories, giving you hundreds of one-way backlinks.

Here’s another quick tip on how to use the power of RSS Mix…

If you use Web 2.0 properties like Squidoo, blogspot, social bookmarking sites, and others to generate backlinks, you can create one big RSS feed from all of these sources using RSS Mix.

By creating one big RSS feed, you can then submit that feed to all the different RSS directories. This ensures that Google indexes all of the pages that contain your backlinks.

If Google doesn’t index the page you have a backlink from, then it doesn’t count. You can use RSS feeds to make sure that all of your backlinks get counted in Google. I hope you see the power in this technique!

You can also do this for all of the articles you submit around the net. If a particular page doesn’t have an RSS feed, don’t worry. You can turn any page into an RSS feed using Any time you add a new resource, add it’s RSS feed to your “One Big RSS feed”.

If you want to get a little more advanced, you can use a service called Yahoo Pipes. Yahoo Pipes allows you to apply filters to your main RSS feeds. So, for example, you could create a customized RSS feed for all of the content on your site related to “diets”. You could then create another customized RSS feed for all of the content on your site related to “workout plans”.

You’re basically breaking your main RSS feed down into more targeted feeds. This technique allows you to create unlimited RSS feeds!

You can then submit each of these to all the different RSS aggregator sites, multiplying your results and the number of backlinks you receive.

2. Widgets

Another unique way to build hundreds of inbound links is known as widget marketing. Widgets are mini internet applications that are offered via a 3rdparty. They can easily be integrated into web pages, Facebook profiles,iGoogle start pages, and more.

Because of this, a widget can spread your link to thousands of otherwebsites.

Some popular widgets include quizzes, games, weather reports, and Flickrslideshows. It seems that everyone is starting to create their own widgets. has their own widget to let customers show off their favoriteAmazon products. USA Today offers a widget that enables bloggers to displaythe latest new updates.

Why shouldn’t you have one also? If you don’t know how to program, don’tworry. You can instantly turn your blog into a widget at

Once you have created your widget, you can promote your widgets on the following websites…


Google Widget Directory

Yahoo Widgets



Widget Gallery

Snipperoo Widget Directory

RateitAll Widgets

Friendster Widget Directory

Netvibes Widget Diretory

Xanga Widget Directory

The popular online dating site JustSayHi used widgetbait to rank on the frontpage of Google for highly competitive terms like “Free Online Dating” and”Online Dating”.

They did this by creating popular quizzes and turning them into a widget.Some of their quizzes include titles like “How Many Five Year Olds Could You Take in a Fight?” and “The Geek Quiz”. You can check out an entire list of the quizzes they have created at

However, keep in mind that they have recently changed their name to, which is ranking #1 in Google for “free online dating” - largelydue to the links they’ve built using widgets.

You can read the full story at…

You can also turn your widget into a Facebook app with a free tool called App Accelerator. Popular Facebook applications can send thousands of visitors to your site per day. It’s just a matter of being creative and taking action.

3. Instant Backlinks

Here’s a cool trick for getting instant backlinks…


At first glance, Zimbio might look like any other user generated conten tsite. However, when you look closely, you’ll find that it’s a link-generatingmachine.

You can use Zimbio to get new backlinks every time you post to your blog.

Once you’ve created an account, simply submit your blog URL or your feed URL, and Zimbio will instantly import your blog posts, providing you with instant backlinks every time you post to your blog.

Plus, your articles will also be promoted to related wikizines within Zimbio, driving even more traffic to your website.

Here’s another interesting technique for getting instant backlinks…

Want to build your reputation and create high quality backlinks at the same time? allows you to do just that.

You create a personal LookUpPage with information about you, your website, and contact info. Plus, you get to add links to all your different websites with anchor text included. These are the types of juicy links that Google loves. So go set up your unique profile page, build your brand, and get some authoritative backlinks at the same time.

Naymz is another free website that allows you to set up a profile centered around your name and reputation. All you have to do is sign up, create a profile, and add your website URL under the “links” category.

4. Here’s another interesting find. It’s called Cool Site of the Day. This site lists some of the most interesting sites from around the web. Best of all, you can submit your site as well if you think it’s up to snuff. Not only does this present an excellent link opportunity, but Cool Site of the Day is known for sending thousands of visitors to their featured sites.

If your site is chosen, it will be featured on the homepage and announced to their email list of over 150,000 subscribers.

Much like Digg, Cool Site of the Day also has a ripple effect. The featured sites are often picked up by journalists throughout the world. Some of the previously featured sites have been quoted on the BBC News website, featured in USA Today, picked up by radio stations and quoted in a number of other media outlets.

Sites similar to Cool Site of the Day that you can submit to include…





Yahoo Picks


Family First

Do you have a unique or entertaining website? If so, you can drop your links at the following websites…





College Humor



5. Blog Reviews

Another great way to build inbound links is through blog reviews. No, I’m not talking about paid reviews from sites like There are actually lots of sites that are willing to exchange reviews.

There’s a site called ReviewBackthat allows you to exchange reviews with other bloggers. Reviewback is an excellent alternative for those who don’t want to spend their money on ReviewMe.

You can also find a nice list of web sites that offer review exchanges at is just one of the popular online blogs that does mutual reviews.

This is an excellent opportunity to get a very high-quality, authoritative backlink.

6. Recoup Your Link Juice

Here’s an innovative way to increase your rankings. I call it recouping your link juice. Here’s the idea…

If you’ve been online for any time at all, then you probably already have incoming links from other websites.

However, are they using the anchor text for the keyword phrase you would liketo rank for? If not, you can email the website owner and ask them to changethe anchor text to your desired keyword phrase. This one simple step can helpshoot up your ranking for your desired keywords.

7. Coupon Sites

Here’s a tactic I see very few sites using - submitting your website to coupon directories. Besides building links, you can also generate new customers and build some buzz around your brand.

Some of the most popular places you can submit your coupons to are Coupon Cabin, Ultimate Coupons, Free Shipping, and Deal Taker.

For a complete list of coupon sites, go to…

There are lots of ways to create coupons for your site. For example, checkout the following web page to see a Link Building Service that is using coupon sites to advertise their service.

Coupon sites are an excellent option if you sell any kind of product or service.

You can offer discounts, promotional codes, or even rebates.

Be creative!

8. Underground Link Building Tool

Here’s one of my favorite tools for finding hidden link buildingopportunities. It can be found at…

This tools searches for websites of the theme you specify that contain keyphrases like “Add link”, “Add site”, “Add URL”, “Add URL”, “Submit URL”, “Add Article” etc.

I’ve found lots of great link building opportunities using this tool.

Try it Out!

9. CSS Galleries

CSS galleries are another untapped source of traffic and links. has received over 25,000 visitors from CSS Galleries . If you have a savvy CSS design,be sure to submit it to all of the major CSS galleries.











Each of these sites can also send you quick and easy traffic.

10. Internal Link Structure

One of the best linking strategies that people take for granted is the power of their own internal link structure.

Proper internal link structure will insure that your website gets properly spidered and all pages are found and indexed by the search engines. It will also increase the PageRank (Link Juice) that flows to your internal pages, thus raising your search engine rankings.

Simply by optimizing your internal link structure, you can increase your search engine rankings. By adding the right links in strategic places, we can boost our own search engine rankings without having to get links from external websites. Most people simply do not realize the sheer power of their own internal linking structure.

You can essentially, direct the flow of Google juice within your website.

You can improve your internal link structure through 3 main methods:

1. Text link navigation

2. Footers

3. Inline Text links (Contextual Links)

For example, if there are certain keyword phrases you want to rank for, you can create internal links to the page you want to rank high on Google. These links can be placed in the navigation, footer, breadcrumb links, or within the content.

You can go to to see some good examples of internal linking using contextual links within the content. They also use breadcrumb navigation to improve their internal link structure.

You can go to to see an example of how they’re using footer links to rank for their desired keyword phrases.

Keep in mind that contextual links (those that are placed within the text of a page) are more powerful than navigation and footer links. If you’re using Wordpress, you can use a plugin for related posts to increasethe internal linking to relatd content. This is good for both your seasrch engine rankings as well as increasing your pageviews.

In addition, you can also use a plugin for preventing the duplicate content that is caused by Wordpress blogs. The plugin is called the Duplicate Content Cure.

If you’d like more information about how to optimize your internal link structure, check out the following resources:

A video tutorial on internal link structure by Aaron Wall

A Guide to Internal Linking by Rand Fishkin of SeoMoz

A Guide to Internal Linking by Jim Boykin

SEO Fast Start Guide by Dan Thies

11. Convert your Articles into Podcasts

Another great way to build one-way backlinks is to convert your blog posts into podcasts. You can use free online software to automatically convert your blog posts into podcasts without having to do any extra work. By turning your blog posts into podcasts, you open up a ton of new link building opportunities.

One of my favorite tools,, will instantly give your blog a voice. Odiogo will automatically convert your RSS feeds, text articles and blog posts to iPod-ready audio files. Once you’ve installed their free service, you can then submit your new podcast to all of the podcast directories, generating tons of new backlinks to your site.

If you don’t have an RSS feed or a blog for your website, then you can use a service called Read The Words.

Read The Words can convert any web page, text file, Word document, or PDF file into an audio file that’s ready to be submitted to all the different podcast directories.

12. Building Links with Tickers!

Here’s one of my favorite link building tactics that I see very few people using…

Have you ever been to a forum and seen those countdown tickers that countdown to a particular date or event?

Here’s an example:

Some common tickers include pregnancy countdowns, wedding countdowns, weight loss countdowns, etc…

People use these tickers when posting to forums and on their blogs. Most people include the tickers in their signature file.

But here’s the cool part…

Every time they post to the forum with their ticker, the creator of the countdown ticker gets a link back to their site.

Now imagine if you started creating your own countdown tickers and started distributing them to your users and promoting them in popular forums. You could get thousands of one-way backlinks coming into your site.

If you’re thinking this would require some complicated programming, think again! You can create an unlimited number of countdown tickers with a piece of software located at

This software allows you to create customized graphical countdown tickers.

They have over 12 Ticker types built in, including:

Pregnancy Due Date Countdown

Pregnancy Due Date (When am I due?)


Baby and Child Age

Birthday Countdown

Trying to Conceive

Angel Remembrance

Weight Loss

Wedding Countdown

Anniversary Countdown

Adoption Countdown

Vacation Countdown

However, you can also create custom tickers to countdown to any event you choose. This is a great technique for increasing your backlinks, traffic, revenue, and website exposure. Every ticker you create is branded with your websites name and links back to your website.

Think about it… If you had just one active forum member using your ticker, that could equate to thousands of backlinks.

13. Our final link building technique is quite “out-of-the-box”.

It’s buying websites!

Yes, you can buy low-cost websites to get high-quality one-way backlinks. You can use the SitePoint
to find some great deals on established websites.

Buying a low-cost website not only gives you lots of powerful link building opportunities, it can also bring you a lot of extra traffic and subscribers.

Lots of people simply don’t know how to monetize their websites properly. You can often find quality websites getting hundreds of visitors a day that aren’t even collecting opt-ins. Imagine if you bought the site with your marketing knowledge, started collecting subscribers, and built a relationship with your list.

Congratulations on finishing this VERY long article. You are now well on your way to becoming a link building ninja. The only thing left for you to do is implement the powerful strategies and tactics you’ve learned. Remember, it’s all about practice!

Even Busy Bees Do iT!

Hello! How are you today?

Ever have one of those days when it seems there's not a minute to
catch your breath, let alone meditate or relax? A day when you feel
like the proverbial busy bee, with no time to admire the fragrant
flowers you're landing on?

The experts have given us some wise ways to relax, simplify, and take
life more slowly, but you might still find it tricky to always put these
suggestions to use. Or, perhaps for you, some days flow smoothly,
but there are still some - or many - during which taking a break
feels impossible.

On those days, instead of an evening, an hour, or even 15 minutes
to relax, could you spare 6 seconds?

Yes, that's right.. 6 seconds.

That's the time it takes to let yourself have 1 relaxing breath.

2 seconds breathing in through your nose, and 4 seconds exhaling
through your mouth.

Right now, I'm going to ask you to take 12 seconds for an experiment.
At the end of this sentence, practice that relaxing breath...
2 seconds in and 4 seconds out.

That's right. And once again at the end of this sentence.

Even that little amount of time - 6 seconds - can help your body
and mind relax. Let your heart rate slow. Let some of the stress
slide away.

Now how can you give yourself the gift of relaxing breaths during
even your busiest days?

One answer is to pair a relaxing breath with an activity that comes
up repeatedly during your day. For example, let's say you're a
secretary. Each time your phone rings, breathe before you answer it.
(6 seconds is less than the time it takes for the phone to ring
again, so no one will even notice you're taking time for yourself.)

Here are some other examples of fitting in a single breath:

- If you're an Engineer, take a breath each time you use your

- If you're an Accountant, take a breath each time you see a
number ending in 7.

- If you're a Teacher, take a breath each time the school bell

- If you're a Highway tollbooth operator, take a breath each time
a white car comes through your lane.

- If you're an Editor, take a breath each time you correct a comma.

Now it's time to put your creativity to work for yourself. You're
invited to fill in the blanks below, and then share in the comments
what you'll do to regularly sneak in relaxed breathing during your

I'm a _________________, so I'll take a breath each time I

Will you commit to try this exercise today?
Remember, even busy bees rest. The American Bee Journal says so.
( ) And if they can do it,so can you!

September 5, 2009

The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emma Orczy

The Scarlet Pimpernel

by Baroness Emma Orczy


Language: en

Published in: 1905

Subject(s): Novels - History - Adventure


Copyright: This work is available for countries where copyright is Life+50 or in the USA (published before 1923).


In this historical The Scarlet Pimpernel adventure set during the French Revolution, the elusive Scarlet Pimpernel sets out to rescue men, women and children facing the horrors of the guillotine, while evading the relentless pursuit of his arch enemy, Chauvelin.

September 4, 2009

The Ultimate Health Package

Discover how to live longer and healthier the natural way!

The Ultimate Health Package is a series of e-books designed to help you lead a happier, healthier and longer life.

If you've been troubled with health problems like acne, obesity, hair loss, etc. ... you're probably so used to living and coping with these illnesses you may have forgotten what its like to have good health.

This site is here to help you gain back your good health, so you can enjoy and live life to its fullest again. Because you shouldn't have to worry about your health.

See the the selection of ebooks above, and discover the steps you can start taking today to get your life back. Haven't you suffered long enough? Find the answers you need to feel healthy, happy and beautiful now.

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Cute Pictures to Help You Through the Day

Video of Pictures Below


Sometimes it seems you are all alone in this big world…

enemies 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

…and there are only enemies around

curious 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

But you are curious…

exploring 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

…and want to explore

new enemies

The danger comes unexpected…

scared1 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

…and you are scared and can’t fight back.

together 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

But you are never alone

friends1 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

Someone will join you when you feel you are losing it

unexpected friends 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

Sometimes it might be an unexpected someone

rely1 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

And you can rely on them

sharing 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

And share your problems

standing by 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

And they will stand by and fight for you

tired 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

So now, when you are tired and lost,

sad 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

when you are sad…

i m with you 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

…remember that there is someone who will say “I’m with you…

i love you 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

…and I love you!”

dont give up 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

Or just will tell you not to give up

dark thoughts 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

So send dark thoughts away

sleep peacefully 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

And sleep peacefully

sleeping together2 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

Because you are not alone

together1 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

You have family…

your friends 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

…and friends…

friends and family 23 Pictures to Help You Through the Day

…and they are many!
